Diagonal Difference

Given a square matrix, calculate the absolute difference between the sums of its diagonals.
It is the most easiest problem from 1 month Interview Prep kit on HackerRank.
You would be provided a 2 dimensional array of equal rows and columns or a square matrix one might call as the input. The output that you have to produce would be the sum of one diagonal subtracted to sum of second diagonal.


Let us take the above 2-D array as the input.
1 2 3
4 5 6
9 8 9
The first diagonal would be [1, 5, 9] and their sum is 1+5+9=15;
The second diagonal would be [3, 5, 9] and their sum is 3+5+9=17;
Your output should be |15-17|=2; here '||' represents absolute function [You can read about absolute function by clicking the link].

The language used here is Javascript but you can use any language that you find comfortable to code in.

The thought process would be -

  • Take a variable and assign a 2-D array to it
    let array=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[9,8,9]];
  • Initialize and assign two variables to store sums of two diagonals

    let sum1=0, sum2=0;
  • Use nested for loops to traverse through the square matrix

    for(let i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
      for(let j=0;j<array.length;j++) {
          if(i===j) sum1+=arr[i][j];
          if(i+j===array.length-1) sum2+=arr[i][j];

    The first if condition is to check for the first diagonal i.e. [1,5,9]; logic behind this is to position of 1 is array[0][0], position of 5 is array[1][1], position of 9 is array[2][2]. So to find the first diagonal, the condition is outer counter i should be equals to inner counter j.
    The second if condition is to check for the second diagonal i.e. [3,5,9]; logic behind this is posItion of 3 is array[0][2] which is equal to 0+2 (2) and length of array, 3-1 (2) and same for 5 and 9.
    Increment the sums of both diagonals.

    i===j //To check for first diagonal elements
    i+j===array.length-1 //To check for second diagonal elements

  • Initialize and assign the variable to the difference of the sums of two diagonals' elements

    let res=sum1-sum2;
  • Print the result by using a ternary operator or an if else condition; I have used a ternary operator here


    The ternary operator here is equivalent to the following if else statement


You can also use built in Math.abs() function.
This problem uses the concepts of 2-D array traversal and absolute function.